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Setting up a web server and hosting your own website can be a fun and challenging learning experience. But if you’re looking to do this, you should check with your ISP first; it might be a violation of their terms of service.

设置网络服务器并托管自己的网站可能是一种有趣而具有挑战性的学习体验。 但是,如果您要这样做,则应先与ISP联系;否则,请转至ISP。 可能违反了他们的服务条款。

In order to set up a web server on your home internet, you’ll need a few things: a dedicated computer for your server, a domain name, and a way to point your domain name to the server. You can do this with a static IP address or by using a dynamic DNS provider.

为了在家庭Internet上设置Web服务器,您需要做一些事情:服务器专用的计算机,域名以及将域名指向服务器的方法。 您可以使用静态IP地址或使用动态DNS提供程序来执行此操作。

But that’s also where the problem comes into play: many ISPs don’t offer static for home users. Routing a dynamic IP to a static hostname is the other option, but that may be in violation of your ISP’s terms of service.

但这也是问题所在的地方:许多ISP不为家庭用户提供静态。 将动态IP路由到静态主机名是另一种选择,但这可能违反ISP的服务条款。

So, the short answer for whether or not you can run a web server from your home internet is also a bad one: it depends. There’s a lot that goes into running a web server, and unfortunately, there isn’t a clear yes or no answer.

因此,关于是否可以通过家庭互联网运行Web服务器的简短答案也是一个不好的答案:这取决于。 运行Web服务器涉及很多事情,不幸的是,没有明确的是或否答案。

与您的ISP联系以了解允许的内容 (Contact Your ISP to Find Out What’s Allowed)

The first thing you’ll need to do is dig into your ISP’s terms of service. It should explicitly state somewhere if you can run a web server. But that’s just part of the battle here.

您需要做的第一件事是深入研究ISP的服务条款。 如果可以运行Web服务器,则应在某处明确声明。 但这只是这场战斗的一部分。

If you want to go with a static IP address, you’ll need to get in touch to see if that’s a service that’s even offered—more often than not, home users don’t need static IP addresses, so this typically isn’t something offered for most home connections. If it is, however, you’ll have to pay a monthly fee.

如果要使用静态IP地址,则需要联系以确认是否提供了该服务-通常,家庭用户不需要静态IP地址,因此通常不需要适用于大多数家庭连接的东西。 如果是这样,则您必须每月支付费用。

If your ISP doesn’t offer a static IP on your current connection, you should look into . These are typically more expensive, but give you a lot more freedom to do things like run a web server.

如果您的ISP在您当前的连接上没有提供静态IP,则应考虑。 这些通常比较昂贵,但是却为您提供了更多的自由,例如运行Web服务器。

You’ll also need to note what ports should be open for your server. You’ll likely need ports 80 and 443, and possibly 25 and 22, but it varies greatly depending on what type of server you’re setting up. Again, these are things you’ll need to check with your ISP about—the odds are that you’ll need a business package.

您还需要注意应该为服务器打开哪些端口。 您可能需要使用80和443端口,可能需要25和22端口,但是端口差异很大,具体取决于您要设置的服务器类型。 再说一遍,这些都是您需要与ISP检查的事情-可能需要商务软件包。

其他注意事项:速度,带宽和正常运行时间 (Other Considerations: Speed, Bandwidth, and Uptime)

While the first step is finding out whether or not your ISP will allow you to run a web server from your home (and moving to a business package if necessary), that’s not the only thing you need to think about. Speed is also very important when it comes to hosting your own website.

第一步是确定您的ISP是否允许您在家中运行Web服务器(并在必要时转移到业务包),但这并不是您唯一需要考虑的事情。 在托管自己的网站时,速度也非常重要。

You’ll need to consider the available upload and download speeds provided at your home. If a 50Mbps down/5Mbps up connection is the fastest you can get, the experience provided by your home web server may not be the greatest—especially as traffic to your website grows. You’re going to want the fastest connection you can get, which will generally cost a pretty penny.

您需要考虑在家中提供的可用上载和下载速度。 如果您可以最快获得50Mbps下行/ 5Mbps上行连接,则您的家庭Web服务器提供的体验可能不是最好的,尤其是随着网站流量的增长。 您将需要最快的连接速度,这通常会花费很多钱。

Similarly, available bandwidth is going to be a massive concern. To put it plainly: if you’re on a metered connection, don’t set up a web server. Period. You’ll blow through your data cap fast, so you’re going to want an unlimited connection for this.

同样,可用带宽将成为一个巨大的问题。 简而言之:如果您使用的是计量连接,请不要设置Web服务器。 期。 您将快速突破数据上限,因此您将需要一个无限的连接。

Finally, let’s talk about uptime. If your internet connection goes down often and for extended periods of time, that’s going to make for a pretty frustrating experience for any traffic that you get to your site. You’re going to want a reliable connection with consistently good uptime.

最后,让我们谈谈正常运行时间。 如果您的互联网连接频繁且长时间断开,那么对于到达您网站的所有流量来说,这将带来令人沮丧的体验。 您将需要可靠的连接以及持续良好的正常运行时间。

那么,是否值得运行您自己的Web服务器? (So, Is It Worth It to Run Your Own Web Server?)

Like we said at the start, running your own web server can be fun, challenging, and a great learning experience. Or, it can just be satisfying if you already know what to do. But there’s one thing it might not be: cost effective.

就像我们一开始所说的那样,运行自己的Web服务器可能很有趣,具有挑战性,并且会带来很好的学习体验。 或者,如果您已经知道该怎么做,那可能会令人满足。 但是可能没有一件事:具有成本效益。

At this point, web hosting is pretty cheap. If you’re not generating a ton of traffic, you can get a website hosted for a little as $5 a month on a secure, offsite location where you never have to worry about things like power and uptime.

在这一点上,虚拟主机是很便宜的。 如果您不产生大量流量,则可以在安全的异地位置上以每月5美元的价格托管一个网站,而无需担心电源和正常运行时间。

But if you’re looking for the experience of it and not necessarily the most economically feasible, then by all means—run one yourself. Have fun!

但是,如果您正在寻找它的经验,而不一定是最经济可行的,那么请务必自行运行。 玩得开心!

Image credit: /shutterstock.com





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